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Saturday, 28 March 2015

स्वर्णिम बिहार

मौर्य-मगध का केंद्र-बिंदु हो,
क्रांति की अंगड़ाई हो। 

वर्तमान को दिया दिखाते,
स्वर्णिम भूत की परछाई हो।

भोज-अंग-मिथिला का स्वर हो,
वज्जी-मगही का तराना हो

'पञ्चबजना' की स्वरलहरी पर,
विद्यापति का गाना हो

जाट-जटिन का प्रेमनृत्य हो,
'कोहबर' की फूलकारी हो। 

'अरिपन' की तुम उज्जवल रचना,
'मधुबनी' की चित्रकारी हो

सारण के तुम रास-रंग हो,
चम्पारण की बुद्धि हो। 

शाहाबाद की तुम हो वीरता,
दरभंगा की विद्या हो

गंगा के तुम पावन जल हो,
कोसी-कमला के जाये हो। 

नारायणी की गोद में बैठे,
सुन्दर रूप बनाए हो

उदयिन-अशोक हैं पुत्र तुम्हारे,
सीता भी तो जाई है। 

गाँधी-बुद्ध आगंतुक तेरे,
महावीर के भाई हो

जी करता है जन्म-जन्म मैं,
गोद तुम्हारे हीं खेलूँ। 

भारतवर्ष का बेटा बनकर,
नाम "बिहारी" कहलाऊं । 

(फोटो क्रेडिट: बिहार ऑनलाइन)

अंकित कुंदन दुबे छात्र, स्वतंत्र टिप्पणीकार तथा जीवन मैग के टीम मेंबर हैं। आप पूर्वी चंपारण, बिहार से आते हैं और फेसबुक पर "आपन टिकुलिया" नामक ऑनलाइन ग्रामीण समुदाय के संचालक हैं। वर्तमान में पढाई के सिलसिले में नयी दिल्ली में प्रवास है।

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

रेडियो सीलोन की यादें

एक ज़माना था जब  रेडियो सीलोन की स्वर लहरियों के साथ करोड़ों हिन्दुस्तानियों का दिल धड़कता था. क्या शहर और क्या गाँव, हर सड़क गली मोहल्ला और दुकानों से एक ही रेडियो चैनल बजता था. एक से बढ़कर एक सदाबहार गाने बजते जाते थे और लोग अपने-अपने काम में रमे रहते थे. पचास के दशक की शुरुआत में आकाशवाणी से फ़िल्मी गानों के प्रसारण पर रोक लगा दी गयी थी. उसी समय रेडियो सीलोन ने हिंदी फ़िल्मी गानों का प्रसारण शुरू कर दिया. यह गीत संगीत के लिहाज़ से हिंदी सिनेमा का सुनहरा दौर था. रेडियो सीलोन दिन दूनी रात चौगुनी की रफ़्तार से भारतीय जनमानस में लोकप्रिय होता चला गया.

मशहूर रेडियो प्रसारक अमीन सायानी, पंडित गोपाल शर्मा, शिव कुमार सरोज, मनोहर महाजन, रिपुसूदन ऐलावादी, विजयलक्ष्मी आदि ने रेडियो सीलोन से जुड़े रहकर घर घर में लोकप्रियता हासिल की. इनकी हस्ती तबके किसी फिल्मी कलाकार से कम नहीं थी. बहुत कम लोगों को मालूम है कि अभिनेता बनने से पहले सुनील दत्त भी रेडियो सीलोन में उद्घोषक थे. उन दिनों श्रोताओं में अमीन सायानी के काउंट डाउन की शक्ल वाले बिनाका गीतमाला प्रोग्राम की वही लोकप्रियता थी जो बाद में रामायण और महाभारत जैसे टीवी सीरियलों को ही नसीब हुई.

उस ज़माने में वक्त का पैमाना भी रेडियो सीलोन ही था. तब सुबह आठ बजे के आसपास प्रतिदिन ‘पुराने फिल्मों का संगीत’ कार्यक्रम के अंत में के.एल. सहगल का गाना बजता था. जैसे ही सहगल का गाना शुरू होता मतलब घड़ी आठ बजाने वाली होती, माँ अपने बच्चों को स्कूल के लिए फटाफट रवाना कर देती थीं. उन दिनों एक लतीफ़ा भी बेहद मशहूर हुआ था कि देहात के लोग जब रेडियो खरीदने जाते तो दुकानदार से फिलिप्स या मर्फी की बजाय रेडियो सीलोन की मांग करते थे. कहने का तात्पर्य कि रेडियो सीलोन भारतीय लोक संस्कृति में पूरी तरह रच बस चुका थी.

गुज़रते वक्त के साथ, सत्तर के दशक के अंत में श्रीलंका गृह युद्ध के चपेट में आ गया. सिंहल और तमिल आपस में लड़ भिड़े. सरकार से हिंदी सर्विस को मिल रहा सहयोग निरंतर घटता चला गया. सभी मशहूर प्रसारक श्रीलंका छोड़ हिंदुस्तान लौट आये. अंग्रेज़ों का छोड़ा पुराना ट्रांसमीटर कमजोर पड़ने लगा. भारत सरकार ने देशी कंपनियों द्वारा विदेशी प्रसारकों के हाथ विज्ञापन बेचने पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया. आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता रेडियो सीलोन की प्रसारण अवधि घटती चली गयी. और इसके दीवाने विविध भारती और नए एफएम चैनलों की तरफ शिफ्ट हो गए. जो लोग बचे उनमें अब रेडियो सीलोन के प्रति श्रद्धा पूर्ण आभार की भावना और उन सुनहरे दिनों की चंपई स्मृतियां ही शेष हैं.

फ़िल्मी गानों पर आधारित विभिन्न कार्यक्रम प्रारूप, म्यूजिक काउंट डाउन, श्रोताओं से पत्र और एसएमएस व्यवहार, कलाकारों और श्रोताओं के जन्मदिन पर विशेष संदेश एवं कार्यक्रमों के प्रसारण आदि परंपराओं की जननी रेडियो सीलोन ही है. आज भी दुनिया भर के चैनल इनका अनुकरण कर रहे हैं. रेडियो सीलोन ने प्रसारक-श्रोता संबंध की नई संस्कृति को जन्म दिया. देश भर में लाखों रेडियो क्लब स्थापित हुए. वहीं दक्षिण एशिया में हिंदी के प्रचार प्रसार में रेडियो सीलोन की भूमिका अविस्मरणीय रही है.

आज श्रीलंका ब्रॉडकास्टिंग कॉर्पोरेशन की हिंदी सर्विस सुबह में मुश्किल से दो-ढाई घंटे प्रसारण करती है. वह भी रेडियो पर अब साफ़-साफ़ सुनाई नहीं देता है. अब न प्रसारकों में वह उत्साह ही रहा और न श्रोताओं में रेडियो के प्रति वह दीवानगी. जब मैं आखिरी बार रेडियो सीलोन सुन रहा था तो घनी सरसराहट और सिसकारियों को भेदती हल्की किन्तु उतरती-चढ़ती तेज़ स्वर लहरी में जो गीत आ रहा था वह कुछ-कुछ उसकी और बहुत कुछ हमारी दास्ताँ ही सुना रहा था... तुम ना जाने किस जहां में खो गए, हम भरी दुनिया में तन्हा हो गए...

नन्दलाल मिश्र जीवन मैग के प्रबंध संपादक हैं। सम्प्रति आप दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के संकुल नवप्रवर्तन केन्द्र में मानविकी स्नातक के छात्र तथा दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय सामुदायिक रेडियो के कार्यक्रम समन्वयक है। आप बिहार के समस्तीपुर से ताल्लुक रखते हैं।

Sunday, 22 March 2015

I'm proud to be a man!

Be a man- Really?
I have always stressed how important it is to respect a female. Personally I feel, they are the most important existence on Earth, without them we all have no identity. Barring that, I also feel it's very important to female's and male's alike to understand how negatively society portrays a man. It's very hard being a MALE in today's world.
Just a few days back, I was watching this ad which throughout show's how boy's are taught not to express their emotional outbursts -- more specially, BOY'S DON'T CRY. At the end of the same ad it showed because of this men tend to abuse women (because they have suppressed emotion). Naturally I was disgusted and very angry at the way men were being portrayed in the ad. But it also left me thinking.
From the day we are born, till the day we die- our parents, and society have already set a guideline that we have to follow. A boy means, the whole responsibility of the family falls on him. He cannot cry, despite not being smart at school, he still has to earn money for the family. 'Don't Cry' is the first rule of being a boy. Whatever happens, don't show your emotions. Whatever happens, don't let go of your macho image. A boy at a certain age has to get married and produce a 'vaaris' (son) as soon as possible.
You might have noticed that the male presence in your life -- be it your dad, brother, boyfriend, husband or friend- very rarely talk about their emotions or express it. Men bottle up their emotion and push it at the very back of their heart. Whatever happens, don't bring it out. Another thing is that men can't panic. During emergencies, no matter how afraid we might get, don't show it. You lose job, a loved one or are naturally unhappy- don't cry and don't show it, is the unwritten rule.
Men do get abused. Men do get domestically violated. But nobody knows. Today we have thousands if not millions of Women's Crisis Center around the world. How many centers are there for Men? NONE. Despite being abused, men cannot tell about it to another peer- He might get laughed at. He might be told he is not MAN enough, that's why he got abused.
Fear and MACHO image. These 2 thing's have ruined men's life. No one would admit it, but we do feel afraid. We do feel uncertain at times. But whom do we get to talk to? No one. We can't cry publicly or in front of a close person -- Real Men don't cry. You must be thinking why am I stressing on crying? Cause crying is the most natural form of expressing our emotions, and that outlet for MEN is always closed. Men has to act in a certain manner in society. We are expected to remain calm, take charge of the situation during uncertain times, and at no point of time- express uncertainty. I think there should be more Mental Health Centers for men. Those who think there is no need for that, let me ask you a question: Aren't men humans too and don't they have emotions? I ask each and everyone one of you, next time when you look at the men in your life- appreciate them. You don't know what's going on in their life. And Men- IT'S OKAY TO CRY! IT'S OKAY TO FEEL AFRAID! IT'S OKAY TO BE YOURSELF!
Ashneel J Prasad is  the Oceania (New Zealand/ Fiji) correspondent of A Fijian of Indian descent, Ashneel is currently a student of B.A communications at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

I am a man and I'm not a rapist- An OPEN LETTER to youth!

Dear Youth of today,

What the F*** are you doing? That caught your attention didn't it? Until and unless you don't swear or use an expletive word, you just don't care. 

My name is Ashneel Jaynesh Prasad, and I'm not a RAPIST. But I'm equally responsible for all the rapes that have taken place today and in the last few years. In December, 2012 a girl in Delhi, India was gang-raped, I was responsible. In January 2013, a 16 year old girl was gang-raped in Vanua-Levu, Fiji, I was responsible for it. An 18 year old girl was raped in Leeds, England on Friday (6th March, 2015), Ia m responsible for it.

I was born in a very traditionalist Hindu family. My parents taught me to respect woman. My religion taught me that a woman is 'Shakti' (the ultimate force). The Hindu scriptures taught me a woman is 'jag-jaanni' (Creator of the world). I was told to pray to the Hindu goddesses - Durga, Kaali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Sita, Radha and Santonshi Maa, all of them depicting power of strength and righteousness.

In school, my friends were a mix of boys and girls. My teachers were woman. In fact until I reached class 6, all of my teachers were woman. My high school's principal was a woman. At school, I was taught the woman and men are the same, we all have the same rights and privileges. I was also taught that I as a man, should always protect a woman. "Respect her". 

Now I'm studying in a university. My lecturers are women. My classmates are females. The bus-driver who drives me to university from home is a woman. I live in a country where the previous Prime Minister was a woman. The 'fish n chips' and the vegetable shop owners are a woman. 


I didn't protect any woman when they were in need of help. I didn't take a second glance back a woman with a black-eye. I didn't ask a woman if she's alright when I saw scars on her hands. I didn't ask any of my female classmate, if she would like me to escort her back to her place after dark. I didn't stop any guy who flirted shamelessly with my high school girl classmates. I didn't ask my mother why is she too quiet, when she had some problems. I didn't ask my lecturer why she was sad, when she could had been harassed at work. 

It is true, that our religion, our community, our scriptures, our leaders and our family tell us to respect woman. But do we? We keep a mourn of silence and turn a back to a woman who is in need. But before that, I had to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Its wrong to rape a woman, its wrong to hit a woman, its wrong to abuse a woman, but what's even more awful is where did this thinking, this thought to do so came from.

The very frame is equality is wrong. Why do we proclaim that everyone has equal rights, when it certainly isn't? Does woman get the same wage rate as a man everywhere? Does a woman get the same perks and advantages that a man gets all around the globe? NO. It is little things like this, that leads to the bigger crimes, more specifically RAPE. How? By doing little misogynistic things such as these, we, MEN, get's the idea that we are superior than woman. We are above woman, and woman can never be our equal.

Mukesh Singh (Rapist involved in the Nirbhaya rape) thinks that a boy and a girl is not equal. Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night and doing "wrong" things, wearing "wrong" clothes. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy. When (Nirbhaya) was being raped, she shouldn't have fought back. She should have remained silent and allowed herself to be raped! Now this is not just Mukesh's thoughts, millions if not billions of men around the world think the same. 

Everyone tells me, as a men, I should protect women. But why? Why does a woman need's protection? I have never heard that a man needs protecting, so why does a woman needs protection? It is because of me. I have never raised the question why? Maybe I should have had. Maybe I should have had raised this question with my peers. Maybe my peers should have raised this question to other youth. And maybe the youth of today should have raised this question to the world. 

When will RAPE-culture (I call it a culture cause when many people are just believing in something that is right in their head, it becomes a culture) end? Never! You know why? Because we aren't paying any attention. I have become so conscious about myself, my family, my future - that I have become blind to everything else. My friends, my peers, my mates have become so busy with their own boyfriends/girlfriends, we just don't have the time to think about it. It doesn't really affect us, does it? IT DOES DAMN-IT, IT DOES. A woman has been raped. God forbids, what if tomorrow it is your mother, your sister, your aunt, your grandmother, your wife, your friend who is being attacked, what will you do?

All of us study, and when our parents and our teachers ask us what do we want to with our lives, we very proudly and confidently proclaim 'I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD.' But if we can't change our thinking, how can we change the world. I beg the youth to wake up and take action. This is not my individual fight, this is our fight. I don't want tomorrow, whenever a woman looks at us, they have the fear 'Is he going to rape me?' I don't want a future when a woman has to be scared to live in her own community. I don't want a future where a wife has to live in fear of her husband - will he hit me again today? I don't want a future where little girls get raped. My self-respect is being tarnished when a men, raises his hands on a woman. My self-shame increases when a men rapes a woman.

We have the power in us to change the world. Let's start by changing our views in regards to a woman. Let's stand against men, community, religion, leaders, governments and countries who can't protect a woman. Shame on us Men, if we can't respect a woman. Shame on us men, if we can't stop another men abusing a woman. And shame on me, if I can't do anything about it. I ask each youth, men, leader and person who has a heart, join me in this and lets tell the world, its not okay to rape.

I'm a man, and I'm not a RAPIST.

Ashneel J Prasad is  the Oceania (New Zealand/ Fiji) correspondent of A Fijian of Indian descent, Ashneel is currently a student of B.A communications at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.

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