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Sunday, 30 March 2014

Do you want one sided love?- Kumar Shivam Mishra

It is not easy to define love, but as I think, love is a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something. However, in today's society one of our greatest mistakes is to miss the meaning of the word "love". 
Our youngsters are habituated to gaze over opposite sex, is it love ?? They want one's love and this affection is essential for them or anyone else. Probably, everybody needs love and everybody has their own feelings. But staring at somebody or chasing somebody can't be considered as love — feeling is constitutive of love. If two hearts meet, it means their feelings must bump to each other.

It is love that gives us more and more pleasure and more and more grief. One sided love is very bothersome and spiny; it can baffle anyone. Now a days, this one sided love is most popular and I have too many examples of this. 

Last Sunday, one of my best friend proposed a girl and I was also present there. When he said to her, "I like you, I don't want to hurt you but, heartily I love you"; ridiculously she replied, "I am already in an open relationship, we will remain friends, sorry"! After that, my friend is crying till now. Whenever he sees that girl, his eyes become tearful. He is crying because his feelings didn't collide with that or her. And nonetheless, he loves her. 

“Dear friend, which type of love is this . . .??? Perhaps one sided . . .??? You couldn't understand her and proposed, now the result is in front of you. Dear friend, love is an ocean and you shouldn't put your legs in this water if you don't know how to swim over it. Please hold your tears and stop moaning, please! You should wait till next February.”

 -Kumar Shivam Mishra 

(Student, 1st year BA Hons. English, 
Commerce College, Patna)

Excerpted from- Jeevan Mag Feb.- march 2014 issue
Download the PDF issue 


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