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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

कार्टून कोना- अनिल भार्गव

कार्टूनिस्ट अनिल भार्गव
(जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से)

इस अंक को देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें-

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Opinion: JOINT FAMILY SYSTEM- Akash Man Of Sky


The joint family system has been a vital part of the Indian tradition. It has been responsible for our good values & ethos to a great extent. But Alas! Urbanization & modernisation have done a great damage to this. We and our thoughts have been constricted into flats of 8X8. People living in nuclear families are unable to care for their children & it leads to devastation. Father and mother both are working & there is no one to accompany the child, no one to kindle the fire of goodness & ethics in him. Yes, it’s a situation much common in cities, especially in Metros.

I am really lucky to be a member of a joint family. In a joint family, there are grandparents to instill in you, the required moral values and uncles & aunts to provide you with the essential zeal & zest to do something good & grand. There are a lot of people to keep a protective & caring eye upon the child which certainly helps him to progress in the right direction. The child lives his childhood to its fullest only in the joint families. One gets a lot of love & wisdom & if there are younger siblings & cousins, it adds up to the grandeur of childhood. It’s a great experience which helps the child face every possible adversity in his/her future.

In my opinion, nuclear families must be discouraged in order to have a progeny of ethical, sensible & brilliant people.


Excerpted from Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

17 and still a kid- Anamika Sharma

When you open up your heart
and say what you think,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you laugh out loud
and stare at clouds,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you walk like you
don’t care about anyone,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you play with kids,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you try to learn football,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you don’t want to date
and leave things on your fate,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you talk to god
and tell him things are going wrong,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you dream of building
underground elevators all over
your city.
So that it’s easy to meet
your friends,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you feel clouds are magical,
You’re 17 and still a kid.
When you tell your heart,
“Hearty don’t be sad, not
everyone can be so raw
and clean when you are 17”.
You feel so light as if flying
and so proud of your thoughts,
Trust me it’s not easy to be 17
and still a kid.

Anamika Sharma
Co-Editor (Jeevan Mag)

Excerpted from Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

YOU AND ME- Akshay Akash

Nights were long and days lost
I could not regain the gone trust .
Feelings meant only loneliness
There was not any trace of happiness.

Standing alone I had to think
What was there beyond the brink.
Everything foggy everything dry
And I could not abstain to cry.

If winter comes,
can spring be far behind?
I had heard this several times
Thinking this I always wondered
Did the springs get outnumbered?

Will the winters be infinite?
Or the fire within me again ignite?
My lost self was hard to regain
And I suffered from a lot of pain.

Waiting for someone to arrive
And give me the strength to survive.
Actually I myself was required
To become strong and get revived.

But the inevitable always happens
Even if the situation worsens.
Then you need problems to end
What better can you get than a friend.

This was me till you arrived
Soul was lost only body survived.
Your arrival shortly made a change
My problems lost what they had gained.

Birds sang loud and the sun rose high
Elated were the stars of sky.
Bounty of sprouts began to flourish
When you were always present to nourish.

I found my lost confidence in you
Enjoying the moments together that were few.
Enraptured by your mere presence
I could feel the unnoticed essence.

Gradually as the time passed by
With ups and downs going low and high.
We were together in every situation
And did not fear the boundaries of separation.

I was me once again
Out of all the agony and pain.
All because of the assurance
That you were always omnipresent.

But the winter again arrived
And this time I bravely survived.
But you were lost into it
Even without making me realize.

I can never face that situation
When you don't share and care with
Then I always begin to ponder
What was the lack in my love I wonder.

Come back being the same as you were.
Don't know what changed you when and
Be assured that I am the same
With more affection , love and care.

I know the confusion will be resolved
Each and every problem will be solved
I am with you and you with me
Let all the worthless boundaries dissolve

Do not heed to world if you are right
I am always well within your sight
Just close your eyes and look within you
Rest assured we will always be together and

Akshay Akash is a student of B.Tech in humanities (1st year) at
Cluster Innovation Center, University of Delhi.

Excerpted from Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

Monday, 13 January 2014

ग़ज़ल- राघवेन्द्र त्रिपाठी

यूँ खुद को हर शाम जलाता है ये,
कोई राज है चराग़ के सीने में भी ,
मौत से कम नहीं गम-ए-हयात भी ‘राघव’ ,
तमाम झंझट है ज़िन्दगी जीने में भी ,
अकेले नहीं होती दुनिया में तकमील किसी की,
खुद की आब नही होती है नगीने में भी ,
दिलों से तो कब का मिटा डाला था तुमने ,
अब तो नहीं रहता खुदा ख़ैर मदीने में भी .

राघवेन्द्र त्रिपाठी
बी.टेक (मानविकी)
संकुल नवप्रवर्तन केंद्र
दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

Friday, 10 January 2014

Jeevan Mag 4- View/Download

India’s first bilingual web magazine by students- In Hindi as well as English.
जीवन मैग- भारत की पहली द्विभाषी ई-पत्रिका, हिंदी व अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओँ में. जनवरी 2014 अंक. लघुकथाएं, कवितायेँ, फ़िल्म समीक्षा, भूली दास्तान, विमर्श के पन्ने। ज़रूर डाउनलोड करें और पढ़ें 6 से 24 वर्ष के छात्रों कि उत्कृष्ट रचनाएं।
It consists of pieces written by students from 6 to 25 years of age. It's the fourth official compilation. January 2014 issue. Loads of stories,jokes and poems to read.

It has a nice range of English & Hindi poems as
well as Urdu ghazals.It is full of pictures, Colorful and attractive,which is not found in most of the ebooks. We are starting some new columns which we’ll continue in our upcoming issues.
From tech tips to movie reviews & from a short story to a satire – We are determined to make your
experience edutaining.

Main attractions-

Film Review of Krrish 3
Short stories
Thought provoking articles in Hindi & English
How to download youtube videos without any downloader
Pages from Diary
Hindi literature classics


Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

View Here-

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Online Publishing from YUDU

Monday, 6 January 2014

एक भारत ऐसा भी- अमिनेष आर्यन

आज पैरों से लिपट रो पड़ा भारत

बचपन की रंगत में भीख मांग रहा भारत।

मासूम उस चेहरे से झलक रही थी आशा

पैरों से विकलांग वो मांग रहा था पैसा।।

बालों सी उलझी उसकी भविष्य की रेखाएँ थीं

जीवन में उसकी अनगिनत सीमाएँ थीं।

सैकड़ों यात्रियों ने उसकी हथेली पर कुछ रुपये रखे थे

शायद वो मंदिर-मस्ज़िद नहीं था जहाँ लोग पेटी भरते थे।।

वो अक्श ढ़ूँढ़ता रहा एक पालिसदार खंभे में

अपनी ही परछाई से कंधा मिला चल पड़ा भारत।

अपने ही लोगों से भीख मांग रहा भारत

अचानक स्टेशन पे आज पैरों से लिपट रो पड़ा भारत।।

अमिनेष आर्यन केंद्रीय विद्यालय,कंकड़बाग, पटना में बारहवीं मानविकी के छात्र हैं। आप हाजीपुर, बिहार से ताल्लुक रखते हैं और कम्युनिज़्म में आपकी गहरी श्रद्धा है।)

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

Smoking lips is injurious to health- Kumar Shivam Mishra

Sunday Morning

Do you watch movie? Definitely, you do.

On screen, actors used to smoke without any disclaimer in old days. It wasn't right and sent a wrong message to our society. After all, film-makers took an action and started showing “Disclaimer” on the screen—Smoking causes cancer.

Actors driving bike without helmets sends another wrong message to our society. So, disclaimer for this section should be like this — Riding bikes without a helmet may be hazardous for you.

Third point is hot scenes. Film makers add hot scenes to their flicks only for more and more profit. But after watching these scenes our youngsters may try to follow the embracement what they watch and it'll not be good for our society. If film makers don’t put the scenes, their films may fail at the box-office. Therefore, it’s major trouble for both—the film-makers and the society.

So, to get over these troubles film makers should add a “Disclaimer” to hot scenes also and the disclaimer can go on like this — Embracement may cause misbehave or Smoking lips is injurious to health or Smoking lips may force a sandal on your cheeks.
Kumar Shivam Mishra  BA(H) English, Commerce College, Patna

Excerpted from Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

Saturday, 4 January 2014

रेल‍गाड़ी- आर्यन कुमार

( चित्र- चैतन्य शर्मा) (6 वर्ष)

रेल‍गाड़ी की छुकछुक,
बच्चा देखे टुकटुक।
जाने किधर को आई,
कितनों को है अपने संग लाई।
पूरब को या पश्चिम को,
उत्तर को या दक्षिण को।
मालगाड़ी में भरा लबालब माल है,
सवारी गाड़ी में लोगों की भरमार है।
न जाने इनमें से कौन,
हो जाए आर्यभट्ट या न्यूटन।

आर्यन कुमार
कक्षा 6
केन्द्रीय विद्यालय, मोतिहारी

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

ग़ालिब- गुलरेज़ शहज़ाद

ख़्वाब की एक ख़बर आम करूं
चंद अल्फाज़ उनके नाम करूँ
मुझको ग़ालिब ने ये दुआ दी थी
ज़िंदगी तुमको रास जाए
ज़ेरे आब तेरी प्यास जाए
मेरी हालत अजीब है लेकिन
होश की पगड़ी बाँध रक्खी है
दुनियादारी सवार है मुझ पर
जिस पे सज्दा-गुज़ार होता जुनूं
वो मुसल्ला कभी ना बिछ पाया
इश्क की नमाज़ खाली गई
मुझको ग़ालिब की क्या दुआ लगती

गुलरेज़ शहज़ाद

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

A word to you...Jeevan Mag 4- Akash Kumar

Happy New Year 2014!
It’s our pleasure to present before you the fourth issue of Jeevan Mag. It’s after a long gap that we’ve come with the PDF issue but forgive us; we were engaged much. But from now on, we are obliged to publish Jeevan Mag monthly & the revival could not have been possible without your constant support & cooperation. In particular, I would like to thanks Nandlal bhaiya, the executive editor of this magazine, for his dedication towards the initiative.
We started our journey some 20 months ago when we were a small group of children concentrated mainly in Motihari. I remember the day when I went to a typical cyber cafe with Rishabh (PRO, Jeevan Mag) to start the website. The foundation stones of the magazine consist of Kuldeep, Pawan, Aryan, Manish, Ravi etc.- My classmates of Shantiniketan Jubilee School in Motihari. Nitesh Upadhyay & Sameer Sumdarshi are 2 other people behind the initiative who aren’ty with us today because of their personal reasons. We hadn’t imagined that the sapling would grow with such a great pace. Right from being aired on Sahara Samay to getting featured in Japanese newspaper ‘Hon’ & On Hindustan’s cover page, our team has acquired great wealth in form of your love. Today, we stand as a distinct web magazine attracting visitors from across the globe. Your love has been well-received in the form of e-mails & phone calls but I would like to dwell repeatedly that please comment on the posts on the site too.
Now, let’s take a look at the contents of this issue. We have a nice range of Hindi poems & Urdu ghazals. We are starting some new columns which we’ll continue in our upcoming issues. From tech tips to movie reviews & from a short story to a satire – We are determined to make your experience edutaining. The year 2013 was quite phenomenal. A newsline of the year is there for your quick review.
As we are going monthly, we need creative & innovative people. Join us & be the face of the change. May the year 2014 give your life a new dimension with happiness all around you & success at your steps.

Akash Man of Sky (Akash Kumar)
Ed-in-chief (Jeevan Mag)

Like us at 

Excerpted from Jeevan Mag January 2014. Download the PDF version of the magazine from here -

Thursday, 2 January 2014

शिवधनुष- नंदलाल मिश्रा

यह बात तब की है जब मैँ 5वीँ जमात मेँ पढता था बिहार के स्कुलोँ मेँ तब संक्षिप्त रामायण एक विषय के तौर पर पढाया जाता था एक बार चलती क्लास के दौरान यकायक एक एजुकेशन इंस्पेक्टर अंदर आये ....शिक्षक से कुछ जरुरी बातेँ की और फिर उंगली के इशारे पर मुझे खड़ा किया.....और पुछा -बताओ शिव धनुष किसने तोड़ा? ... मैँ कांप गया ...मेरे कंठ सूख गये... किसी तरह हिम्मत जुटा कर रुँधे गले से बोला --हअअजउउर मैँने नहीँ तोड़ा... इतना कहना था कि मेरे टीचर गुस्से से बोले-- नहीँ सर... यह सरासर झूठ बोल रहा है ,इसी ने तोड़ा होगा ,यही क्लास का सबसे शैतान लड़का है. जवाब मेँ मैँ डरते डरते बोला --सअरअअ यकीनन मैं बहुत शैतान हूँ, मअअ...गगर इस क्राइम से अनजान हूँ....आरोप प्रत्यारोप का सिलसिला कुछ देर जारी रहा.... मैँ कहता मैंने नहीँ तोड़ा... वे कहते तुमने हीई तोड़ा....फिर क्या था साहब हमदोनोँ को पीछे पीछे आने का हुक्म सुनाकर प्रिँसिपल रुम की ओर चल दिये अब हम दोनोँ सहमे से लग रहे थे.हेडमास्टर ने तुरंत उन्हेँ कुर्सी दी..... चपरासी को फौरन ठंडा- वंडा और मिठाई हाज़िर करने को कहा और खुद ठकुसुहाती करते हुए आगे के दांत निपोड़ कर परेशानी का कारण पुछा....साब ने पूरा वाकया एक ही सांस मेँ कह सुनाया हेडमास्टर तो पहले कुछ झिझके किँतु तुरंत छिछोलेदार होकर बोले-- बस इतनी सी बात.... अरेएए आप टेँशन मत लीजिये.... धनुष जिसने भी तोड़ा हो मैँ उसकी मरम्मत करवा दूँगा.... ....तब जाकर मैँने राहत की एक लंबी साँस ली.....
नंदलाल मिश्रा
प्रबंध संपादक 
जीवन मैग

----------- ------------------------------------

जीवन मैग जनवरी 2014 अंक से उद्धृत- मूल अंक यहाँ से डाउनलोड करें -

A series of skype group conversations beetween students from India & Pakistan

A series of skype group conversations beetween students from India & Pakistan
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Editor-in-chief Akash Kumar Executive Editor Nandlal Mishra Associate Editor AbuZaid Ansari Publisher Blue Thunder Student AssociationShared by WpCoderX
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